Stylizer Features

Real-time CSS

Immediate feedback saves countless hours.

  • Say goodbye to the reload button!

    In Stylizer, your changes are immediately displayed in all browsers, in real-time—literally as you type or move the mouse. This is a substantial productivity boost for designers of all skill levels.

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  • Size faster with grips

    Size Grips allow you to accurately resize any CSS dimension by clicking and dragging the mouse. Click, hold, and drag—watch your page update in real-time and achieve perfection on your first try.

    Take the guess work out of sizing. Find the exact spot where that stubborn div wraps. Or use them to perfectly position a background image. Show me more

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  • Two-click color changes

    Tweak any color in your style sheet to find the perfect hue, saturation and luminance level for that exact look, in just two clicks: one click on the CSS declaration, another on the color picker which appears automatically.

    Stylizer provides two HSL-based color pickers and an opacity channel slider that generates RGB-based colors that work even on legacy browsers. Never guess another hex color code ever again! Show me more

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  • Take control of repetitive tasks

    The Remote Control makes many repetitive tasks a one-click operation. Most buttons here double as size grips, allowing you to save time with maneuvers like, for example, mousing down on the "background-position" button to insert a new declaration and starting to adjust it immediately by dragging the mouse.

    It's intelligent, too: when a declaration is already present, its button appears pressed, and Stylizer will adjust what you have instead of inserting. Or, right-click on a pressed button to delete a declaration without even looking for it. Show me more

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  • Write error-free CSS

    Stylizer knows all the latest CSS 3 standards, and provides a real-time Warnings list that updates without delay, as you type. You'll also see a subtle red underline wherever your CSS does not validate. Stylizer even recognizes many common CSS "hacks" to ensure that the Warning list only contains actionable errors. Show me more

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See how the code grid makes you more productive than ever...

  • In this 3 minute video:
  • Learn to use the code grid like a pro
  • Learn to quickly resize and move elements using Size Grips
  • Learn the 4 most useful keyboard shortcuts for entering new CSS
  • See why Remote Controls are productive for both beginners and experts
This video was made for a previous version. Please bear with us while we update our videos for Stylizer 7.

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